Quickstart: Distributed Setup with 4 Machines

  1. We assume a setup with four machines (replace the hostnames with your own addresses or hostnames):
    1. dir.xtreemfs.org running the directory service (DIR)
    2. mrc.xtreemfs.org running the metadata server (MRC)
    3. osd1.xtreemfs.org running a storage server (OSD)
    4. client.xtreemfs.org to mount the volume
  2. Install the xtreemfs-server packages on the server machines. Install the xtreemfs-client and xtreemfs-tools packages on the client machine. For details see the single machine install & setup.
  3. Set the correct DIR service address in the server configuration files (as root!):
    1. on mrc.xtreemfs.org edit /etc/xos/xtreemfs/mrcconfig.properties and change the line dir_service.host = localhost to dir_service.host = dir.xtreemfs.org
    2. on osd1.xtreemfs.org edit /etc/xos/xtreemfs/osdconfig.properties and change the line dir_service.host = localhost to dir_service.host = dir.xtreemfs.org
  4. Start the servers as root:
    1. on dir.xtreemfs.org execute
      /etc/init.d/xtreemfs-dir start
    2. on mrc.xtreemfs.org execute
      /etc/init.d/xtreemfs-mrc start
    3. on osd1.xtreemfs.org execute
      /etc/init.d/xtreemfs-osd start
  5. We can now create and mount the volume on the client machine client.xtreemfs.org:
    1. create the volume:
      mkfs.xtreemfs mrc.xtreemfs.org/myVolume
    2. create a mount point:
      mkdir ~/xtreemfs
    3. and mount the volume:
      mount.xtreemfs dir.xtreemfs.org/myVolume ~/xtreemfs
  6. to unmount the volume call
    umount.xtreemfs ~/xtreemfs